Art Direction - Concept Art - Visual Development
This is a small selection of shots that I did the 2d lighting for on the movie Klaus for Netflix.
I worked for SPA Studios on Klaus as Lead Lighting Artist. Our department was responsible for creating the 2D lighting on the characters. We used a new software specifically developed for creating the 2D lighting for Klaus. It was an amazing opportunity to create something truly unique that had not been done before.
I want give a big thank you to Florian Aupetit, Marcin Jakubowski and Szymon Biernacki for giving me the opportunity to work on this project! I would also like to thank the rest of the Lighting team, it was awesome to work with such a great team! Many thanks to the the production team, especially Sara Buffenoir and Llaneza Arias - it was a pleasure working with you guys! And of course a big thanks to the the rest of the amazing people at SPA Studios. Big kudos to SPA Studios and Netflix for making this amazing unitque thing happen!
Please enjoy the showreel.
This was one of the first sequences we got to work with on Klaus. My favourite shot is the one where Jesper i holding the Metallic lid. It was so much fun trying to depict Metal with the KLAS lighting tools. And I think the Art directors were surprised with what you are actually able to achieve with the powerful tools we had.
This sequence was quite tricky to light. Really dark lighting makes it slightly trickier. The most difficult part is to be able to make it so that you have cold light from the top and really warm shadows. We managed to do that especially well in the last shot of this video.
I really love the shot were jesper is turning the lamp in the environment. And I was so happy that I got to do this shot. What was interesting with that shot was that we didn't know if we could use the Klas lighting tools to put light on the environment as well. In the end it turned out to work really well on the environment.
I got to make the first few shots in this sequence. I had to try to nail the lighting as well as we could do, so the other artists had some good references to work from. And luckily the lighting went quite smoothly, without too many iterations. I think this is my favourite sequence of the movie to work on.
These 2 shots were quite difficult to work on. The first was tricky because of the movement between lighting conditions. And the second was tricky just because of the huge amount of characters, 28 in total I think! I did not do all of the characters though! And even though I spend quite a bit of time on this shot. I forgot to do the hands of Alva and Jesper as you can see =(.
And here are some screenshots of the shots from the showreel.
Thanks for watching!